Home » News » Selection of the best 30 papers for the International A Class magazine ‘Abitare la Terra’_XVI Forum World Heritage and Knowledge

Selection of the best 30 papers for the International A Class magazine ‘Abitare la Terra’_XVI Forum World Heritage and Knowledge

Gentile Autore,

Ho il piacere di comunicare che anche quest’anno sarà pubblicato un numero doppio della Rivista internazionale di Classe A ‘Abitare la Terra’ dedicata al XVI Forum Internazionale World Heritage and Knowledge: www.leviedeimercanti.it

Il sottoscritto e i Componenti del Comitato Scientifico della Rivista provvederanno a selezionare i migliori 30 papers ricevuti per il Forum.

Cordiali saluti.

Carmine Gambardella, General Chair
UNESCO Chair on Landscape,
Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance
The Scientific and Organizing Committees



Dear Author,

I have the pleasure to inform you that also this year it will be published the double number of the A Class international ‘Dwelling on Earth’ magazine dedicated to the best 30 papers received for the XVI International Forum World Heritgae and Knowledge: www.leviedeimercanti.it

I and the Component of the International Scientific Committee of the magazine will select the best 30 papers received for the Forum.

Best regards

Carmine Gambardella, General Chair
UNESCO Chair on Landscape,
Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance
The Scientific and Organizing Committees