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Progetto Enter.Mode co-funded by the European Commission

The Benecon University Consortium and Prof. Carmine Gambardella, UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance, are pleased to share, with their International Scientific Community of scholars and professionals, the Enter.Mode project (PROJECT NUMBER – 601125-EPP-1-2018-1-SK-EPPKA2-KA) in which the Pegaso Online University (partner of Benecon) participates together with 13 other international partners.
The Project, co-funded by the European Commission under the KA2 measure of the Erasmus+ Programme, aims at implementing an innovative internship model with the goal of improving the soft entrepreneurial skills of university students from all fields of study. Also, the project foresees the creation of a Community of Practice where internship experiences will be shared and the creation of a digital “serious game” that will support students in improving their entrepreneurial mindset during their internships.
After carrying out a research involving a sample of about 200 students, entrepreneurs and administrative staff, the partners of the Consortium are now finalizing the definition of the model that will then be tested with a pilot experimentation involving 40 students enrolled at the universities of the partner countries.
The process of internationalization and third mission of the Pegaso Online University is therefore continuing and enriching.

For further information, please visit the project website and Facebook page, or directly contact Prof. Eugenio D’Angelo  (eugenio.dangelo@unipegaso.it)



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