Dear Prof. Gambardella,
Thank you so much for the great conference and your warm hospitality. It was my first time attending but I am already looking forward to next year…
As I mentioned you during our short conversation, I serve at ICOMOS ICTC scientific committee, and would like to engage more with UNESCO as well.
Angela and I are hoping we can collaborate on future projects not only research but also student exchange between our programs, international workshops and such… As the Department Chair of Architecture Department at UTSA, we will always welcome you at San Antonio, TX.
We sure would love if our paper appears at your excellent magazine Quaderni di Abitare la Terra / Dwelling on Earth, it will be such an honor…
Dr. Sedef Doganer . Associate Professor
Department Chair of Architecture
UTSA College of Architecture, Construction and Planning
Dear Prof. Carmine Gambardella,
Thank you very much for your great management and hospitality for the XVII international forum on World Heritage and Legend.
I am so happy to meet you again and feel honored to participate the important forum.
I hope to see you again.
Thank you and your great staffs once again.
With warm regards,
Takeyuki Okubo
Director, Institute of Disaster Mitigation
for Urban Cultural Heritage, Kyoto, Japan
Caro Carmine,
gentile staff organizzatore del XVII Forum Le Vie dei Mercanti,
desidero complimentarmi con voi per l’eccellente qualità dell’evento da voi organizzato e per la professionalità dell’organizzazione.
Vi ringrazio nuovamente per l’importante appuntamento da voi offerto e spero di avere presto occasione di nuove occasioni di fruttuose collaborazioni.
Alessandra Badami
prof. Alessandra Badami
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Dipartimento di Architettura
Gentile Collega,
Prof. Carmine Gambardella, General Chair XVII International Forum of Studies ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’
The Scientific and Organizing Committees
ti ringrazio per l’iniziativa e per il suo buon esito, anche editoriale, spero anch’io in un prossimo incontro nel quale condividere ulteriori riflessioni
un cordiale saluto
Simonetta Ciranna
Prof. Arch. Simonetta Ciranna
Full Professor of History of Architecture
Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural, Environmental Engineering (DICEAA)
University of L’Aquila