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VII International joint Course Benecon UNESCO Chair – Rutgers University (USA) – EPU Bulgaria
Il 6 febbraio 2018 si terrà la prima lecture del VII Corso congiunto ‘Preservation in large cities: an international perspective’ diretto dal Prof. Carmine Gambardella, Benecon Cattedra UNESCO in partnership con Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey e the European Polytechnical University (EPU) in Bulgaria. Il Corso coinvolge 25 Studenti e 15 Docenti di quattro Università nel mondo che cooperano con il Benecon. Nelle ultime sei edizioni del Corso, 150 Studenti e Dottorandi, e 50 Docenti hanno ricevuto un titolo di partecipazione congiunto e hanno pubblicato negli Atti dei Corsi, di rilevanza internazionale.
Studenti del VII Corso
Università della Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’
Giuliana Chierchiello
Enrico De Cenzo
Ciro Ferrandes
Pasquale De Rosa
Aurora Maria Riviezzo
Maria Fernanda Marino
China University of Petroleum a Qiungdao
LI Yinchu
OUYANG Shenghui
PENG Zhenyu
WU Yaqian
European Polythecnical University Bulgaria
Anatoliy Tsetskov Yordanov
Rumen Draganov Dimitrov
Ivaylo Stefanov Rangelov
Panagiotis Ilias Litsos
Galina Kirilova Evgenieva
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA
Jamie Berger
Lindsey Connors
Sanah Imran
Sekwang Kang
Ketki Kulkarni
Jae Lee
Michele Mesi
Shree Kurang Panchal
Riddhi Aka Ritu Nayan Parikh
FORUM UNESCO promotes the XVI International Forum
Extended deadline for abstract submission: 5 February 2018
XVI International Forum Le Vie dei Mercanti
Representation, Restoration, Redesign, Resiliencee”
14 June in Naples, 15 and 16 June 2018 in Capri, Italy
The most interesting 30 papers selected by the Scientific Committee, will be published in a special double number of ‘Dwelling on Earth’, A Class international magazine.
Best regards,
The general chair, prof. Carmine Gambardella, UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance and the Scientific and Organizing Committees of the XVI International Forum ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’ invite participation in the Forum by interested academics and professionals.
TOPICS on which proposals are particularly welcome include:
– Heritage – Tangible and intangible dimensions – History – Culture – Collective Identity – Memory – Documentation – Management – Communication for Cultural Heritage – Architecture – Surveying – Representation – Modelling – Data Integration – Technology Platforms |
– Analysis – Diagnosis and Monitoring Techniques – Conservation – Restoration – Protection – Safety – Resilience Transformation Projects – Technologies – Materials – Cultural landscapes – Territorial Surveying – Landscape Projects – Environmental Monitoring – Government of the Territory – Sustainable Development |
BENECON (consortium of five Italian Universities: University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, Pegaso University, University of Naples ‘Federico II’, University of Salerno, University of Sannio), UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance.
At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the full rate (450 euros) before May 7th 2018. The full rate includes participation in the conference for one person, and: one copy of the Conference Proceedings (book and CD-ROM), one conference bag, coffee-breaks, lunches, one Gala Dinner.
There is a reduced rate of 305 euros for the only inscription, without participating at the Forum.
ISI Web of Science
indexing of the 2012 proceedings (X Forum), 2013 (XI Forum), 2014 (XII Forum), 2015 (XIII Forum), 2016 (XIV Forum), 2017(XV Forum under evaluation).
General Chair Prof. Arch. Carmine Gambardella
Info: Ph.D. Arch. Alessandro Ciambrone
Email: leviedeimercanti@benecon.it
Tel: +39 081 8122530
Extended deadline for abstract submission: 5 February 2018 – XVI International Forum ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’: WORLD HERITAGE AND KNOWLEDGE
Dear Authors,
The most interesting 30 papers selected by the Scientific Committee, will be published in a special double number of ‘Dwelling on Earth’, A Class international magazine.
I am glad to inform you that on 22 January 2018 we received 204 abstracts from Researcher and distinguished Professor from the following Countries: Albania, Belgium, Brazil, Canada. California, China, Cuba, Egypt, France, Germany, Jordan, Indonesia, Italy, New Jersey, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates.
Best Regards.
Prof. Carmine Gambardella, General Chair
UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance
The Scientific and Organizing Committee
Gentili Autori,
I 30 paper più interessanti selezionati dal Comitato Scientifico, saranno pubblicati in un numero speciale doppio di ‘Abitare la Terra’ rivista internazionale di Classe A.
Sono lieto di comunicarvi che alla data del 22 gennaio 2018 abbiamo ricevuto 204 abstracts inviati da Ricercatori e distinguished Professors dei seguenti paesi: Albania, Arabia Saudita, Belgio, Brasile, California, Canada, Cina, Cipro, Cuba, Egitto, Emirati Arabi, Francia, Germania, Giordania, Indonesia, Italia, New Jersey, Olanda, Polonia, Portogallo, Russia, Spagna, Turchia.
Cordiali saluti.
Prof. Carmine Gambardella, General Chair
UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance
The Scientific and Organizing Committee
Il Prof. Gambardella Visiting Lecturer in Bulgaria.
Lecture del Prof. Carmine Gambardella, Cattedra UNESCO su Paesaggio, Beni Culturali e Governo del Territorio a Plovdiv (Bulgaria) Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019.
Carmine Gambardella: Una Lecture e una visita alla meravigliosa Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019, Plovdiv in Bulgaria. Sono lieto di essere stato invitato a tenere una Lecture come Unesco Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance. Matera e Plovdiv 2019 cellule staminali dell’Italica Cultura. Grazie Bulgaria e grazie ai Colleghi Bulgari dell’Accademia Bulgara delle Scienze per il Progetto Europeo al quale stiamo partecipando. Incrociamo le dita.
Sostegno di ICOMOS Cuba al XVI Forum
Egregio Profesor Arquitecto:
Acuso recibo de sus letras y le agradezco por mantenerme al tanto del importante evento que tendrá lugar del 14 al 16 de junio de 2018: XVI Foro Internacional ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’ , PATRIMONIO MUNDIAL Y CONOCIMIENTO. Bien sabe cuánto aprecio la importancia y transcendencia de esta iniciativa que mantiene una de las más nobles tradiciones culturales de vuestra tierra en la amada ciudad de Nápoles, como especie de encuentro entre las ciudades marítimas del mundo.
Como quiera que ya estamos en el mes de diciembre, próximos a la fiesta de navidad y un nuevo año, deseo hacerle llegar, ilustre profesor y amigo, mis más cálidas felicitaciones.
Tenga la certeza de mi eterna gratitud.
Prof. Eusebio Leal Spengler
Professor, Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana Presidente de Honor del Comité Cubano del ICOMOS, Cuba
5 dicembre 2017 – Archivio di Stato del Quirinale
Il giorno 5 dicembre 2017 in Roma presso l’Archivio Storico del Quirinale alle ore 16,30 il Prof. Carmine Gambardella, Cattedra UNESCO su Paesaggio, Beni Culturali e Governo del Territorio, ha presentato con Elena Calandra, Direttore Istituto centrale per l’Archeologia, Direzione Generale Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio, MIBACT, Franco Salvatori, Direttore Dipartimento di Storia, Patrimonio Culturale, Formazione e Società, Università di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’, Alessandro Viscogliosi, Professore Facoltà di Architettura, Sapienza Università di Roma, il libro di G. E. Cinque Le rappresentazioni planimetriche di Villa Adriana tra XVI e XVIII secolo: Ligorio, Contini, Kircher, Gondoin, Piranesi, edito dalla École française de Rome. Precedentemente hanno introdotto i lavori con i propri saluti Marina Giannetto, Sovrintendente Archivio Storico della Presidenza della Repubblica, Andrea Bruciati, Direttore Istituto autonomo ‘Villa Adriana e Villa d’Este’, MIBACT, Renato Gavasci, Direttore Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ingegneria Informatica, Università di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’, Nicola Laubry, Directeur des etudes pour l’Antiquite, École française de Rome, Giuseppe Proietti, Sindaco di Tivoli
XVI International Forum ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’, WORLD HERITAGE AND KNOWLEGE.
We are pleased to announce the call for abstract for the XVI International Forum ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’, titled ‘WORLD HERITAGE AND KNOWLEGE. ‘Representation, Restoration, Redesign, Resilience’ to be held in Naples and Capri (Italy) on June from 14th to 16th, 2018: www.leviedeimercanti.it
We invite the submission of abstracts for oral or paper presentations for consideration by the standing Scientific Committee.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is January 22th, 2018.
The most interesting 30 papers selected by the Scientific Committee, will be published in a special double number of ‘Dwelling on Earth’, A Class international magazine.
Best regards
The general chair, prof. Carmine Gambardella
UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance
The Scientific and Organizing Committees
Info: leviedeimercanti@benecon.it
Siamo lieti di annunciare la call for abstract per il XVI Forum Internazionale di Studi ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’ dal titolo ‘WORLD HERITAGE AND KNOWLEGE. ‘Representation, Restoration, Redesign, Resilience’ che si terrà a Napoli e Capri dal 14 al 16 giugno 2018: www.leviedeimercanti.it
Vi invitiamo a proporre un abstract per la presentazione orale o la sola pubblicazione negli Atti, che sarà valutato dal comitato scientifico internazionale.
La scadenza per l’invio degli abstract è il 22 gennaio 2018.
I 30 paper più interessanti selezionati dal Comitato Scientifico, saranno pubblicati in un numero speciale doppio di ‘Abitare la Terra’ rivista internazionale di Classe A.
I più cordiali saluti.
The general chair, prof. Carmine Gambardella
UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance
The Scientific and Organizing Committees
Info: leviedeimercanti@benecon.it
Organizer: BENECON (consortium of five Italian Universities: University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, Pegaso University, University of Naples ‘Federico II’, University of Salerno, University of Sannio), UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance.
ISI Web of Science: indexing of the 2012 proceedings (X Forum), 2013 (XI Forum), 2014 (XII Forum), 2015 (XIII Forum), 2016 (XIV Forum), 2017(XV Forum under evaluation). .
Registration: At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the full rate (450 euros) before May 7th 2018. The full rate includes participation in the conference for one person, and: one copy of the Conference Proceedings (book and CD-ROM), one conference bag, coffee-breaks, lunches, one Gala Dinner.
There is a reduced rate of 305 euros for the only inscription, without participating at the Forum.
Topics: Heritage – Tangible and intangible dimensions – History – Culture – Collective Identity – Memory – Documentation – Management – Communication for Cultural Heritage – Architecture – Surveying – Representation – Modelling – Data Integration – Technology Platforms – Analysis – Diagnosis and Monitoring Techniques – Conservation – Restoration – Protection – Safety – Resilience Transformation Projects – Technologies – Materials – Cultural landscapes – Territorial Surveying – Landscape Projects – Environmental Monitoring – Government of the Territory – Sustainable Development
Report of the XV Forum: 550 authors, 300 papers accepted coming from 30 Countries: Albania, Benin, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, California, Chile, China, Cipro, Cuba, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kosovo, Malta, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Tunisia, Texas, Turkey.
Dear Director General Audrey Azoulay,
I wish to warmly congratulate with you for your appointment as UNESCO Director General in my position of Chair-holder of the UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance at the Research Centre of Excellence for Cultural Heritage, Ecology and Economy in Italy, which is a Consortium of five Italian Universities: University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, University of Naples ‘Federico II’; Pegaso University, University of Salerno, University of Sannio (www.benecon.it).
I really hope to meet you in person at the Second Coordination Meeting with UNESCO category 2 institutes and centres (C2Cs) and UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks related to Culture on 23-24 November 2017 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. I would be honored to invite you in Naples and Capri, whenever you are available, to visit my Research Centre and UNESCO Chair. Since 2003 I organize the International Forum of Studies ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’ which focuses on World Heritage properties preservation and management. In 2018, its XVI edition is titled ‘World Heritage and Resilience’, under the patronage of the Forum UNESCO University and Heritage, the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, and the USA-Italy Fulbright Commission (www.leviedeimercanti.it).
Moreover, my UNESCO Chair is organizing a II Level Master Science, which focuses on UNESCO topics in cooperation with 20 Italian and international partners, which in the last years developed researches and operative projects in cooperation with BENECON Research Centre. Among them: Guardia di Finanza (Italian Financial Police); EPU (European Polytechnical University) Bulgaria; the University of Malta; the Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania); Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Center for Urban Policy Research (USA); the University of Miami (USA); and the Italian Universities of Trento, Perugia and Palermo.
Best congratulations and regards.
Carmine Gambardella
UNESCO Chair on Landscape,
Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance