Home » News » Full paper deadline 20 June 2022_XX International Forum World Heritage and Ecological Transition

Full paper deadline 20 June 2022_XX International Forum World Heritage and Ecological Transition

Gentile Autore,

su richiesta di numerosi Partecipanti da tutto il mondo, ho deciso di posticipare al 20 giugno 2022 la deadline per l’invio del paper per il XX Forum, che si terrà l’8 settembre a Napoli, il 9 e 10 settembre a Capri. 
In attesa di incontrarLa al XX Forum, colgo l’occasione per inviare i miei più cordiali saluti.

Prof. Carmine Gambardella, General Chair
President and CEO Benecon University Consortium
UNESCO Chair on Landscape,
Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance

Dear Author,

I have decided to postpone the new deadline for sending the paper to 20 June 2022 at the request of numerous Participants from all over the world and given the new dates of the XX Forum: 8 September in Naples; 9 and 10 September in Capri.
Looking forward to meeting you at the XX Forum.
Best regards.

Prof. Carmine Gambardella, General Chair
President and CEO Benecon University Consortium
UNESCO Chair on Landscape,
Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance