3 November 2017. Tirana, Albania. Final Conference of the Airborne Remote Sensing Campaign to contrast the cannabis in Albania. Convention Guardia di Finanza (Italian Financial Policy) and Benecon UNESCO Chair. Participants: Marco Minniti, Interior Minister of Italy; Haki Cako, Head of the Police in Albania; Fatmir Xhafaj, Interior Minister of Albania; Giorgio Toschi, General Commander of the Guardia di Finanza; Stefano Screpanti, General of the Guardia di Finanza; Paolo D’Ambola, Director of the Police Service of International Cooperation SCIP; Ambassadors representing the foreign countries in Albania. The Italian Minister Minniti, the General Toschi, the General D’Ambola, the Generale Screpanti, the Minister Xhafaj and the Head of the Police in Albania Cako, during their speeches, highlighted the importance of the research contribution in the Campaign of the BENECON Center of Competence, headquarter of the UNESCO Chair on Landscape, Cultural Heritage and Territorial Governance.